THE details for the 2014 CC and MM program for Central Division have been announced.
Please refer to the information below.
One off training days (10am to 12noon) for players near each centre have been arranged. These days are open to all players who can make them but only compulsory for the players in each centre as follows
Bundaberg: All Bundaberg League players
Gladstone: All Capricorn Leagues players (Gladstone, Central Highlands, Callide Valley)
Roma: All South West Leagues (Border, Roma, Western, Balone, Western Downs)
Gympie: Gympie, Fraser Coast, Burnett (players from Burnett may wish to go to Roma if closer)
Saturday, November 9 Gladstone Junior Grounds
Saturday, November 16Gympie Juniors, Smith St, Gympie
Saturday, November 23Roma Bulldogs
Saturday, November 30Wests Grounds, Bundaberg
CAMPS (Compulsory - Friday/Saturday/Sunday)
December 13, 14, 15: Currimundi Recreation Centre, Currimundi, Sunshine Coast
January 31-February 2: Currimundi Recreation Centre, Currimundi, Sunshine Coast
After the camps a squad of 25 will be selected to contest the final selection trial.
To be played at Brown Park, Rockhampton against the CAPRAS Saturday, February 15, 2014 coming in on Friday evening by 6pm. Out after game Saturday.
The team of 17 will be selected for the first game (Venue, Date & Opposition to be advised)
The team for each game (6) will be notified each Monday noon before the next game of that week.
All playing gear is supplied for each match shorts, socks, jersey and is distributed after the competition to all 25 squad players as well as a bag and cap.
All squad members (30 in each squad) will receive a training shirt.
The final 25 squad members of each age group who attend the trial will form the squad from which the teams are chosen each week and are levied $330.00 for all costs incurred during the competition (accommodation, travel on teams bus/air, meals uniforms) with the Division subsidising the remainder.
ASSISTANT DIVISION MANAGER Representative Rugby League
John Bignell - 427 232 165 or 41 232 165 (office hours 7am to 6pm)
COACH: Alan Herbert 0413 189 487
MANAGER: Peter Gibbs 0417776574
ASSISTANT COACH: Scott Zahra 0408 276 027
SPORTS TRAINER: Michael Brown 0488 627 955
COACH: Darren Burns0412 809 108
MANAGER: Darlene Bainbridge 0402 040 217
ASSISTANT COACH: Bob Leitch0401 003 018
SPORTS TRAINER: John HORAN0428 798 492
General Enquiries: John Bignell
Coaching: Team Coach
Injury/Rehabilitation: Sports Trainer
Touring/ Games: Team Manager
*Please notify John Bignell and Team Manager (email, text, phone) of any absenteeism.
*Please contact Sports Trainer regards injury or treatment/rehabilitation.
*Please Contact Coach or Assistant Coach for issues to do with playing/training.
*Please contact John Bignell regards levies, timetable, forms and information.
Please refer to the information below.
One off training days (10am to 12noon) for players near each centre have been arranged. These days are open to all players who can make them but only compulsory for the players in each centre as follows
Bundaberg: All Bundaberg League players
Gladstone: All Capricorn Leagues players (Gladstone, Central Highlands, Callide Valley)
Roma: All South West Leagues (Border, Roma, Western, Balone, Western Downs)
Gympie: Gympie, Fraser Coast, Burnett (players from Burnett may wish to go to Roma if closer)
Saturday, November 9 Gladstone Junior Grounds
Saturday, November 16Gympie Juniors, Smith St, Gympie
Saturday, November 23Roma Bulldogs
Saturday, November 30Wests Grounds, Bundaberg
CAMPS (Compulsory - Friday/Saturday/Sunday)
December 13, 14, 15: Currimundi Recreation Centre, Currimundi, Sunshine Coast
January 31-February 2: Currimundi Recreation Centre, Currimundi, Sunshine Coast
After the camps a squad of 25 will be selected to contest the final selection trial.
To be played at Brown Park, Rockhampton against the CAPRAS Saturday, February 15, 2014 coming in on Friday evening by 6pm. Out after game Saturday.
The team of 17 will be selected for the first game (Venue, Date & Opposition to be advised)
The team for each game (6) will be notified each Monday noon before the next game of that week.
All playing gear is supplied for each match shorts, socks, jersey and is distributed after the competition to all 25 squad players as well as a bag and cap.
All squad members (30 in each squad) will receive a training shirt.
The final 25 squad members of each age group who attend the trial will form the squad from which the teams are chosen each week and are levied $330.00 for all costs incurred during the competition (accommodation, travel on teams bus/air, meals uniforms) with the Division subsidising the remainder.
ASSISTANT DIVISION MANAGER Representative Rugby League
John Bignell - 427 232 165 or 41 232 165 (office hours 7am to 6pm)
COACH: Alan Herbert 0413 189 487
MANAGER: Peter Gibbs 0417776574
ASSISTANT COACH: Scott Zahra 0408 276 027
SPORTS TRAINER: Michael Brown 0488 627 955
COACH: Darren Burns0412 809 108
MANAGER: Darlene Bainbridge 0402 040 217
ASSISTANT COACH: Bob Leitch0401 003 018
SPORTS TRAINER: John HORAN0428 798 492
General Enquiries: John Bignell
Coaching: Team Coach
Injury/Rehabilitation: Sports Trainer
Touring/ Games: Team Manager
*Please notify John Bignell and Team Manager (email, text, phone) of any absenteeism.
*Please contact Sports Trainer regards injury or treatment/rehabilitation.
*Please Contact Coach or Assistant Coach for issues to do with playing/training.
*Please contact John Bignell regards levies, timetable, forms and information.