DID you miss out on registering for the upcoming Girls Mini Maroons Coaching Clinic?
If so, fear not – as the second round of registrations is opening today (Monday, April 27) – and to a broader age group.
Download the new Girls Mini Maroons Coaching Clinic poster here!
Thanks to Suncorp, the clinic is now open to girls between the ages 12 to 16 years from all QRL Divisions (South East / Central / Northern).
It is also open to girls of all playing abilities – from those playing in established competitions, to girls who are simply keen to have a go!
Coaching will be provided by NRL Development staff and the session will be facilitated by Queensland Origin Mal Meninga and members of the Maroons Origin team.
Register your interest here: Registrations now closed.
*As this is bound to be a popular event, registering here will not confirm you a place in the clinic – it is just to register your interest to attend. If you are successful in gaining a space, you will be contacted by QRL staff.*
The clinic will be held at Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast on Wednesday, May 20.
Girls Mini Maroons Coaching Clinic – registrations open: Monday, April 27
Event Information:
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Venue: Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast
Time: 3pm – 5pm
Ages: Girls aged 12-16 years (experienced players and girls new to league are welcome)
Cost: FREE
Includes: Qualified coaching clinic (contact) from State of Origin and NRL Development staff, afternoon tea, Mini Maroons pack.