CONGRATULATIONS to the Pittsworth Danes who are our latest winners of the XXXX Club of the Week prize.
The Danes were nominated by friend of the club Bradley Bronson and play in the Toowoomba Rugby League competition.
Each weekly winner will receive some great prizes including XXXX merchandise and a ball signed by the victorious Queensland State of Origin team from Game 3, 2014.
All winning entries will also go in the draw to win the grand final prize of $5000 worth of food, beverage and entertainment for an end of season function at your club.
See Bradley’s winning entry below:
The Pittsworth Danes as a club have been growing stronger over the past years and this is beginning to show with better results on the football field. The club plays major roles in the community as we willingly share our facilities with a seniors groups, other sports (netball, cricket, croquet) and many functions are held at the clubhouse throughout the year.
The senior Pittsworth Danes run 'The Pittsworth Camel Races' each year which is a highlight on the town’s calendar and another great opportunity for the community. The Danes also host a trivia night, casino night, lawn bowls day, sponsors day, ladies day and an ambassadors ball that showcases all the hard work our ambassadors do behind the scenes. All events are advertised to the community and everyone is welcome to attend. All profits from these events and games days are put back into the club through better facilities and an expanding range of equipment. New modern player benches have been installed and a large deck built along the clubhouse for players and families to enjoy.
The Danes also help out with charity where possible by hosting a Pink Day each year (every player purchases a sponsored pink jersey, shorts and socks), with all proceeds going to Australia Melanoma Institute. A group of senior players also dyed their beards pink this year to raise more money and make the day more enjoyable. After the jerseys were sold, beards dyed then shaved and all donations counted; more than $10,000 was donated to our chosen charity: https://give.everydayhero.com/au/ann-phipps-memorial-2
The Pittsworth Senior Danes also help out Men of League where possible as they have supported some of our players’ families in times of need. This year we purchased and played in Men of League socks to help raise money and awareness.
Over the past 10 years, I have witnessed the Danes go from struggling to get enough numbers on game day, let alone training, to now having more than 100 senior players signed up across four grades and boasting a competitive young A Grade side. This has been made possible by countless hours of volunteer time and a willingness by coaches and players to go the extra mile to help build the club.
I am sure I have missed many important things the club is doing however I hope you can get some insight into the passion that this small town has for its rugby league club.
If you would like to enter your senior club in the XXXX Club of the Week competition – follow these steps: XXXX Club of the Week
2014 winners:
Theodore Roosters